b 500 # Code for the flange (Programmcode fuer den Flansch)
v 0 # Flange for tighten the headers of Daimler-Benz 8 Zyl.
g 122 122 0
g 122 122 50
g 122 122 0
g 618 618 0 # Cutter Dia 4mm, Startposition 1mm above worksheet
g 618 618 50
g 618 618 0
g 597 370 0 # Inside's shape (Innenkontur)
g 597 370 115
v 12000
k+y 227 370 370 597 143 0 0 115
k-y 227 370 370 143 597 0 0 115
v 0
g 597 370 50
v 3000
g 632 370 50
k+y 262 370 370 632 108 0 0 50
k-y 262 370 370 108 632 0 0 50
v 0
g 632 370 0
g 370 740 0 # Outside's shape (Aussenkontur)
g 370 740 115
v 12000
g 615 740 115
k+y 125 615 615 615 740 0 0 115
g 740 370 115
k-y 370 370 370 740 370 0 0 115
g 125 0 115
k-y 125 125 125 125 0 0 0 115
g 0 370 115
k+y 370 370 370 0 370 0 0 115
v 0
g 370 740 0
v 0
g 0 0 0
The expert did noticed it, the CNC code above is not concurring with DIN-ISO. Why a new code?
First of all, science and industry has tried to define NEW PROGRAMMING METHODS.
On the other hand, DIN66025-ISO6983 doesn't play a worldwide role even after nearly 30 years
since the introduction. With DIN-ISO standard and according to the average intelligence of North- or
Mid-Europeans it was installed a level, which probably has not been understandable for all.
This might be the reason for the unequality of worldwide CNC-usage.
NATIONAL-MOTION-CONTROL has developed a basic CNC-Code, which only requires 12 commands.
Accompanied with our 9 Axis 6D Steppermotorprogram it is extremely easy realise all the motions,
coding with any kind of common ASCII-Text-Editor.
The program will visit all lines from the first to the last. There is no need to note axis-keys (X, Y or Z)
in front of the positions!
"g" means "go", and the positions are lined up from left to right in the logical order X Y Z.
Whatever you want, turning, milling, positioning & more..., there is nearly no limit.
The connection of modern CAD/CAM-Programs, e.g. MASTERCAM, to this code could be
individually transformed through the programable postprocessors of these graphic programs.
Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Wulf
Hauptstr. 39
D-23847 Grinau